You can implement the ID types Balance API to get information about category ID types and campaign delivery IDs and to create and manage ID types for your partner seat.

Note: Users no longer create campaigns in the Oracle Data Cloud platform UI. The campaign workflow is at present part of the audience workflow. The platform still uses campaigns to manage audition information commitment nonetheless. They are created automatically when a UI user delivers an audition. In the APIs, you lot create and apply campaigns as before.

In this topic

Explore the API

The embedded I/O dr. below enables y'all to explore the API. The I/O  medico explains the parameters for each method and provides templates for your calls. Y'all cannot make live API calls from the tool, however.

Open up the link beneath in a new tab to run into the I/O dr. in a 3-pane format.

For assistance with this API, contact My Oracle Support (MOS).

Service URI

The URI for the ID types API is:


The about upwardly-to-date ID types API schema is at the following URI:

List ID types

You can combine various query parameters to request a filtered set of ID types. For instance, to view all of the ID types that a partner has been given permission to use, specify their buyer ID as shown in the following GET example:

Sample list response:

idTypes properties

The idTypes API GET, POST, and PUT responses may include the post-obit backdrop:

Holding Type Description
category object A category associated with the ID blazon
context_group array
  • app:
  • web:
description string A brusque description of the ID type
device_group array This tin can be 1 of the post-obit values:
  • desktop
  • mobile
  • registration
  • partner
id integer The unique identifier assigned to the ID type
id_class array

The class of ID blazon, which tin can be i of the following:

  • chief: Includes ID types collected by the platform
  • secondary: Includes ID types nerveless by Oracle Information Cloud partner seats
id_key string The key used to place the ID type
ingest_key string A proper noun used to identify the id_key. If no name is provided, the cord used for the id_key is used by default.
ingest_methods assortment

The ingest method, which can exist one of the post-obit:

  • header: The ID blazon is associated with a header-based nomenclature rule.
  • null: The ID blazon is not associated with a tagging method for ingesting the information.
  • phint: The ID type is associated with a phint-based nomenclature dominion.
  • url_argument: The ID type is associated with a URL-based nomenclature rule.
metadata array Oracle internal employ just
proper name string (Required) The name of the ID blazon
You can use this property to filter or sort a listing of ID types.
partner object (Required) An object that describes the partner associated with the ID blazon, including the partner ID
permission array Indicates ane of the post-obit permissions specified for the ID type:
  • private: The ID type is available in the owner'south partner seat and can be shared with other Oracle Information Cloud partner seats if specified in permissioned_partners.
  • public: The ID type is bachelor to all Oracle Data Cloud partner seats.
permissioned_partners array An assortment that lists the names and IDs of partners that take permission to use the ID type
memory integer The number of days that the ID type'due south data is retained since a profile is ingested
sites array An array list the site IDs associated with the ID blazon
status array The status of the ID type, which can be one of the post-obit:
  • agile: The ID blazon is currently active.
  • deleted: The ID type was deleted.
  • disabled: The ID type was disabled because it is not currently being used.
sub_space integer The unique ID assigned to the ID sub space, which is sometimes the partner ID
super_space integer The unique ID assigned to each ID super space, which is a way of group ID types. Instance super spaces include:
  • 0: Platform ID
  • 2: First-political party ID
  • 3: Device ID
  • 4: Offline partner ID
  • five: Personal ID
  • 6: SDT partner ID
  • 7: Partner ID
target_partners array Deprecated
usages array A listing of means that the ID types can be used, which can exist one or more of the post-obit:
  • bridging
  • commitment
  • matching
  • opt_out
  • storage

Read an ID type

Once yous know its ID, yous tin can asking an ID type's configuration equally shown in the following Become example:

Where 9 is the unique ID of the ID type.

Sample read response:

Create ID types

To create an ID blazon for your partner seat, include a request body with the post-obit Mail phone call:

For example:

Sample request body specifying required fields:

Update ID types

To update an ID blazon in your partner seat, include a request trunk with the following PUT call:

For case:

Sample request body specifying required fields:

Delete ID types

To delete an ID blazon from your partner seat, include a request body with the following DELETE telephone call:

For example:

Sample response:

HTTP Response 204 No Content

Query parameters

The idTypes API supports following query parameters:

Parameter Type Description
buyerId integer Filter for ID types based on the specified ID of the partner who either owns the ID blazon or has been granted permissions to it.
offset integer The starting index from which to return the ID types
orderBy string Sort the returned ID types by one of the post-obit parameters:
  • id: Sort by the ID types' id values. For example: orderBy=id
  • name: Sort past the ID type names. For example: orderBy=name
  • condition: Sort past the ID type status. For case: orderBy=status

To list the returned ID types in ascending or descending club based on the specified parameter, append :asc or :desc to the parameter. For case: orderBy=proper name:desc.

partnerId integer Filter for ID types based on the specified partner ID.
q string Filter the returned ID types according to the following properties, operators, and a cord within double quotes:
  • id: Apply with the eq (equal to) operator and the ID type'southward unique ID, such every bit q=id eq "322463".
  • proper name: Utilize with the co (contains) operator and the ID type'due south name, such as q=name co "xyz".
  • status: Utilize with an operator and a cord to filter for the ID blazon's status, such as q=status eq "active".

Valid operators include:

  • co: Contains a cord, where the string is enclosed in double quotes
  • eq: Equals
  • ew: Ends with the specified string
  • ge: Greater than or equal to
  • gt: Greater than
  • le: Less than or equal to
  • lt: Less than
  • ne: Not equal to
  • sw: Starts with the specified string

Depending on the context from where you consequence the query that contains the filter expression, you may demand to utilise percent encoding. For example, if you execute a query as a cURL command, so the filter expression must replace white spaces with %20. Instance: &q=name%20co%20"xyz"

size integer The maximum number of ID types to exist included in the response. The size property must exist used in conjunction with the commencement belongings.

Errors codes

If there is a problem with your idTypes request, the response will apply one of the fault messages returned in response to the following call:

Code Mistake message
BK-10001 Could not find resources for the specified path
BK-10002 Bad query parameters
BK-10003 Invalid JSON input
BK-10004 Input JSON does non pass schema validation
BK-10005 Input JSON contains bad property
BK-10006 Input JSON has missing properties
BK-10007 Input JSON has bad belongings that does not match min length requirement
BK-10008 Input JSON has bad belongings that does not match max length requirement
BK-10009 Not enough privileges to access requested resource
BK-10010 The request could non be completed past the service due to malformed data or syntax
BK-10011 Incorrect sorting parameter
BK-10012 Additional properties detected. Schema does not allow extra properties to be present
BK-10013 Incorrect expand parameter
BK-10014 Incorrect q query parameter syntax
BK-10015 Property has unacceptable/bad format
BK-10016 Property value does not appear on the list of acceptable values
BK-10017 Array must not contain duplicate entries
BK-44001 Invalid id types ID
BK-44002 Errors during create operation
BK-44003 No id types permissioned for the given partner
BK-44004 Invalid parameter
BK-44005 Exceed maximum number of id types for partner
BK-44006 Primary id blazon must have device grouping
BK-44007 Permission missing
BK-44008 Private permission id type must specify permissioned partners
BK-44009 Id Key Invalid
